Monthly Archives: September 2016

September 2016

Council supports local press

2016-09-15T11:01:17+01:00September 15th, 2016|Recent news|

The leader of Croydon Council has joined fellow south London local authority chiefs in calling on a newspaper group serving their areas to continue to offer a robust and reliable service.

Councillor Tony Newman is the co-signatory – […]

Cancer prevention work set to increase

2016-09-14T08:50:29+01:00September 14th, 2016|Recent news|

Health bodies across the borough are being urged to work together to help beat cancer and reduce incidences of the disease among residents.

Croydon’s Health and Wellbeing Board will this week (Wednesday 14) examine what needs to be […]

Theatre comes to the council chamber

2016-09-06T13:45:30+01:00September 6th, 2016|Recent news|

Croydon’s council chamber will be converted into a theatre this weekend for the 30th International Playwriting Festival (IPF).

Originally created and hosted by the Warehouse Theatre, and more recently held in the Fairfield Halls, the IPF has showcased […]