Monthly Archives: November 2016

November 2016

Croydon Remembers

2016-11-04T11:53:59+00:00November 4th, 2016|Recent news|

Croydon will hold its annual Civic Service of Remembrance this month to pay tribute to the sacrifices of military and service personnel in conflicts past and present.

The service, held in conjunction with local branches of the Royal […]

Statement on Selhurst stabbings

2016-11-01T18:04:29+00:00November 1st, 2016|Recent news|

Councillor Hamida Ali, cabinet member for communities, safety and justice, statement on yesterday’s stabbings in Selhurst.

Councillor Ali said: “This was a truly shocking incident within our community, and my thoughts are with the victim’s family. I have met the […]