Monthly Archives: September 2017

September 2017

No welcome mat for rogue letting agents

2017-09-26T08:51:10+01:00September 26th, 2017|Recent news|

Tenants and landlords in Croydon are finding that dealing with letting agents is a lot easier because trading standards officers are taking a tough line against agents that flout the law.

Day two of London Trading Standards Week […]

Keeping knives off the street

2021-11-15T15:28:31+00:00September 25th, 2017|Recent news|

Testing traders’ knowledge of, and adherence to, the law where the sale of knives is concerned is a key tool of Croydon Council’s trading standards team in combating the capital-wide problem of knife crime.

Figures published by London […]

Keeping the rogues in check

2017-09-22T09:38:57+01:00September 22nd, 2017|Recent news|

With an established reputation across the capital for its effective work in combating issues including under-age knife sales, doorstep trading scams and rogue letting agents, Croydon’s trading standards department is supporting the first London Trading Standards Week.

London […]