Monthly Archives: September 2018

September 2018

Sports and leisure centres revamp under way

2018-09-07T13:53:55+01:00September 7th, 2018|Recent news|

A four-month makeover is underway at Thornton Heath Leisure Centre, marking the start of the latest package of investment into council-owned leisure and sports centres across the borough. Improvements will also be taking place throughout the rest of the year at other council-owned leisure and sports centres.

New £6.5m state-of-the-art Youth Zone starts to take shape

2021-08-20T15:40:58+01:00September 7th, 2018|Recent news|

Passers-by can now see the outline of the Legacy Youth Zone at the site on Whitehorse Road in Selhurst, where construction work started earlier this year.And this week young people were proud to unveil their specially-designed hoardings, which highlight the amazing opportunities that will be on offer at the centre and brighten up the site while the work is underway.