Private landlords wanting to save hundreds of pounds on a compulsory new licence to let property in Croydon are being reminded to apply before 1 October.

Croydon Council has created the scheme to tackle bad landlords and raise housing standards in London’s most populous borough, with prosecution or fines for anyone caught breaking the rules.

Thousands have already taken advantage of a £350 discounted licence launched on 1 July, with around 4,400 Croydon landlords signing up for more than 7,000 rented properties and another 2,900 applications in process.

Now the council is urging landlords who have not applied to do so before 1 October, which is when the scheme both becomes law and the average licence rises to £750 per property for five years.

Any private landlord caught renting out a property without a licence from 1 October can face fines of up to £20,000, while anyone breaking licence conditions can be prosecuted and fined up to £5,000.

“Landlords who snapped up our discounted licence will only pay the equivalent of 19p a day over the five years, and I urge others to follow suit while they still can.

“This licence will be a benchmark of quality private rented housing that people can trust, especially as Croydon’s huge regeneration will make it an even more attractive place to live and invest.”

Councillor Alison Butler, deputy leader and cabinet member for homes, regeneration and planning


Most landlords applying from October will pay a one-off £750, but there will be a few exceptions such as those who are new to the sector or renting out new-build properties, who will pay £350 for the five-year period.

Those failing to meet their licence conditions may have to pay £750 each year. All applicants must prove they are fit and proper.

The council’s cabinet approved the scheme in March in response to a rise in privately-rented properties, with negative consequences including antisocial behaviour and poor-quality homes.

For more information on the scheme or to apply for a licence, visit:
