It’s been a challenging year for all our pupils but particularly those who were unable to take their exams as planned and for them, A-level results day has been even more tense than usual.

Despite the uncertainty they have faced due to the national situation, we have seen some fantastic A-level results from our young people and we are so pleased to celebrate their success.

However, we are acutely aware that some may not have had the results they expected or feel they deserve and we are working with our schools to ensure that all of them get the help that they need. You can find out more about Croydon’s results and contact details for pupils who need help here.

Our priority is to support all our young people in taking their next steps, help them to access opportunities and achieve their ambitions – whether that is a place at university, training or an apprenticeship, or their first full-time job.

Whatever their grades, we are incredibly proud of all of them for all their achievements – inside the classroom and out – and most of all, for the resilience and strength they have demonstrated during this difficult time.

Well done to them all.


While it’s great to see some sun this week’s heatwave has brought challenges, particularly for those working on the frontline. I want to thank all of our council staff for their efforts and all those working for Croydon – including those who have been caring for others who are more vulnerable in the heat.

During the pandemic, it’s more important than ever that we all look after our health and wellbeing – you can find advice and more information about local services here.

Keep Croydon Safe

It’s been great to see so many of you out and about enjoying all that Croydon has to offer – shopping in our high streets, enjoying our pubs and restaurants and relaxing in our parks and green spaces.

However as we enjoy these freedoms after months of lockdown, it’s more important than ever that we all remain vigilant and do all we can to keep the Covid-19 infection rate low in our borough. Like all councils, we have well-developed plans for managing any local outbreaks but we want to prevent them occurring in the first place and we need everyone locally to help.

By continuing to practise good hygiene, keeping to the social distancing rules, and self-isolating and getting tested if you have any of the coronavirus symptoms, we can minimise the risks to ourselves and others and help to prevent the spread of the virus. Getting a test is easy – you can find out more about find out more about how NHS Test and Trace works here. By taking these simple steps, we can all play our part in keeping Croydon safe, and protecting our friends and family, particularly those most vulnerable.

Crystal Palace Festival 

Finally, if you are looking for something to do this weekend, why not take a virtual trip to the Crystal Palace Festival – a live-show streamed to your homes on 15-16 August. We’re proud to support this fantastic event showcasing some of Croydon’s incredible home-grown talent – we continue to do all we can to support our local cultural groups and hope you will all do the same.

Have a great weekend,


Councillor Tony Newman, leader of the council