Funds to recruit 20 additional enforcement officers were announced at last night’s cabinet meeting.
The officers will boost the current 40-strong enforcement service to help increase public confidence and community engagement, reduce fear of crime, prevent and deal with antisocial behaviour and to protect the quality of the local environment.
Councillor Hamida Ali, cabinet member for communities, safety and justice, said: “It’s hugely positive that this administration is making such a significant investment in the capacity of its enforcement function.
Councillor Hamida Ali, cabinet member for communities, safety and justice
“It’s hugely positive that this administration is making such a significant investment in the capacity of its enforcement function.
“Our enforcement officers are often our ‘eyes and ears’ around the borough and we want to make sure they’re equipped to deal with more concerns, from fly-tipping to trade waste, litter, dog fouling and other antisocial behaviour.
“At a time when public services are under such pressure we hope that increasing our visible uniformed presence on our streets provides reassurance – supporting residents who are doing the right thing by ensuring that those who don’t, face the consequences.”