Croydon Council has set out a range of budget proposals to deliver quality core services and value for money for residents while living within its means.
A report published today outlines initial budget proposals for 2022/23 for members to consider at cabinet on 6 December. The proposals include a range of savings to protect essential services, and investing to meet communities’ changing needs.
In the past year, Croydon has made significant progress in tackling its financial challenges with the government and its Improvement and Assurance Panel both expressing confidence in the council’s ability to deliver its renewal plans and improve the services it offers.
To stay on track, and balance next year’s budget, the council must find a further £38m savings. Despite this the council will continue to spend over £330m, providing vital services for local residents.
The cabinet report sets out a range of proposals that focus on transforming the way the council delivers services in a sustainable way, to increase efficiency and ensure residents get full value from every penny spent.
They include renting out space in council buildings and selling unused council properties, savings from reviewing council contracts with providers, and digitalising services.
The report also sets out how the council plans to invest in residents’ future needs, boosting support for carers, increasing spend on transport for children with special educational needs, and strengthening its resilience by increasing its reserves.
Council resources will be focused on delivering vital services where they make the most difference, and tackling inequalities, particularly in the wake of the pandemic.
“Over the past year Croydon has made significant progress transforming the council and tackling our financial challenges. As a result we’re currently on track to deliver a balanced budget this year.
“Putting the council on a sustainable financial footing will mean difficult decisions and like all councils we continue to be impacted by Covid-19, economic uncertainty and rising demand for our services after a decade of government cuts.
“Our absolute priority remains protecting our most vulnerable residents and delivering the vital services our communities depend on. While we have to save money, we will protect core services and focus on transforming our services, to ensure residents get full value for every penny spent.
“We are also setting out plans to invest more in a range of areas including special educational needs and support for carers to ensure the council is there for those who need us the most.
“There will be challenging decisions to make but we will always seek residents’ views about significant changes that affect them.”
Councillor Hamida Ali, leader of the council