Monthly Archives: April 2016

April 2016

Fly-tippers prosecuted in court

2016-04-29T09:49:04+01:00April 29th, 2016|Recent news|

Fly-tipping and littering on the borough’s streets landed another 10 people with fines and court convictions this week under the council’s ongoing Don’t Mess With Croydon -Take Pride campaign.

Croydon magistrates ordered the 10 defendants to pay a […]

Garden waste collections are go!

2016-04-19T13:39:08+01:00April 19th, 2016|Recent news|

Croydon Council’s new garden waste collection bin service started this week and is already in full swing, with well over 10,000 households signed up and around 100 new people joining each day.

The move is saving local taxpayers some […]