Croydon proposes licensing scheme to tackle rogue landlords
The Council is preparing to reinstate a selective licensing scheme for the private rented sector in the borough.
Croydon commits funds to raise standards in Council housing
Croydon residents will benefit from increased investment in Council homes, after a strengthened business plan for the Council’s Housing Revenue Accounts was approved.
Mayor Perry – listening to Croydon
Mayor Perry looks back at the week including the blitz clean in Addiscombe, a new playground and raising the standards of homes in Croydon.
New contracts to deliver enhanced support for Croydon’s carers
Support for Croydon’s carers will be enhanced with the awarding of three new contracts, ensuring the health and wellbeing needs of carers are being met.
Mayor Perry – listening to Croydon
Mayor Perry's weekly message - including addressing misinformation on Fairfield Halls, council finances & more
Statement on Fairfield Halls
We have no plans to sell this iconic Croydon entertainment venue. Instead, we’re working with the operators to help ensure the venue’s success, now and in future.