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Additional support is being offered throughout October to help smokers in Croydon kick the habit by taking part in Stoptober, the national 28-day stop smoking challenge.
Additional support is being offered throughout October to help smokers in Croydon kick the habit by taking part in Stoptober, the national 28-day stop smoking challenge.
A host of activities celebrating the history, heritage and culture of the black, Asian and minority ethnic community gets underway next week.
A groundbreaking council-led homelessness prevention initiative has reached the finals of the Guardian Public Service Awards.
Over 100 local landlords are invited to attend a free conference run on Friday 5 October by Croydon Council.
Agencies from across Croydon came together this week to highlight the issue of perinatal mental health and the importance of supporting parents during pregnancy until their child turns five.
A high-level delegation from a Chinese regional government has visited Croydon to promote economic links between the borough and the province of Henan.
Ambitious plans to deliver a safer, greener, economically prosperous and healthier Croydon, where communities are offered the right support, in the right place, at the right time, have been approved by the council.
Parents of premature babies working at Croydon Council will be given more time off as their employer signs up to a new charity charter.
Croydon Council is hosting two drop-in events to further discuss its plans for two new state-of-the-art football and community facilities in the borough.
Live music-lovers, musicians, and industry professionals are being called upon to get involved in plans to support the future of music in Croydon.