Calleydown Shortbreak Children’s Home has successfully kept its ‘good’ rating after an Ofsted report said staff “show care, compassion and warmth” towards children in their care.

Calleydown is a Croydon Council-run residential home in New Addington that provides short breaks for children and young people who have severe learning difficulties.

An Ofsted inspection was carried out in February, and the report highlights how “parents say that children like coming to the home and see it as a ‘sleepover’ to socialise and meet their friends in a safe space.”

The report added: “Children are safeguarded effectively. Staff have a good understanding of safeguarding procedures. Children are given individualised support in line with their needs and wishes.”

Calleydown is a facility that provides service users with an adapted garden, sensory room, a ball and soft playroom, and a computer suite for the children to use.

The home was commended for meeting all the requirements from the previous Ofsted inspection and report in March 2023.

“I want to thank and congratulate the staff and management of Calleydown Shortbreak Children’s Home on another successful Ofsted inspection. Their work to provide a safe place for children with severe and complex learning difficulties is really inspiring.

“I am glad to see that their continued hard work and dedication is recognised and that the children in Calleydown are supported and happy in the home. Well done to everyone in Calleydown.”

Jason Perry, Executive Mayor of Croydon