South Norwood recreation ground’s newly-refurbished playground was officially re-opened by the council at the weekend.

Council leader Tony Newman from neighbouring Woodside ward and Councillor Timothy Godfrey, cabinet member for leisure, culture and sport, were out with young families on Saturday to inspect the new facilities.

The playground and surrounding area was closed in January 2014 to allow Network Rail to use the space as a site compound during replacement of the nearby Tennyson Road rail bridge. As payment for using the space the council negotiated that the rail firm would fit brand new equipment and sort out longstanding drainage issues.

Cllr-Godfrey“This project highlights the importance of play facilities in our parks and shows how it is still sometimes possible to invest in playgrounds and open spaces at the same time as the government is cutting our budgets and putting pressure on many critical services.”

Councillor Timothy Godfrey, cabinet member for culture, leisure and sport

Staff from the council’s grounds maintenance contractor, Quadron, were also on hand at the re-opening event, providing sweets and refreshments for children who were out braving the cold.

The Tennison Road Bridge was the biggest bridge that has been replaced on the network in the South East in the last decade.