Celebrating Black History Month

Communities across Croydon will come together to celebrate black culture and heritage as Black History Month (BHM) gets underway with a programme of events throughout October.

From an InstaPoetry campaign, to lively, interactive African drumming sessions with Bantu Arts Ltd, libraries across Croydon are offering an exciting BHM-themed programme for all ages. Developed with Croydon’s spoken word group Well-Versed Ink, the Instapoetry campaign will be based on the theme of this year’s BHM – R.I.D the Stigma (Representation, Identity, Diversity), and published on Croydon Libraries Instagram throughout October. Visitors to libraries can also enjoy storytelling and creative sessions with guest authors, including talks and crafts.

On Saturday 19 October Surrey Street Market will host a special Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) market day, in partnership with local businesses and entrepreneurs.

At Croydon’s newly-refurbished Fairfield Halls, visitors can enjoy the free Windrush: Portrait of a Generation exhibition (pictured) by Jim Grover, which will be in the Arnhem Foyer until January 2020. Ticketed events include performances by stars Lenny Henry, Alexander O’ Neal and Ruby Turner. Find out more at www.fairfield.co.uk

And throughout the month, Croydon BME Forum is hosting a series of workshops and talks, exploring topics from ancestry to mental health. There will also be a Young Business Entrepreneurs Event taking place at Croydon College on 16 October. For more information email info@bmeforum.org.uk

For the full programme of events at venues across the borough, including film showings, exhibitions and celebrations, visit www.croydon.gov.uk/ccbh

“Black History Month is an opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the important contribution black, Asian and minority communities have made to Croydon’s culture and its unique identity. We’re delighted to work with organisations and individuals throughout our borough to mark this special event with a series of events that inspire everyone.”

Councillor Oliver Lewis, cabinet member for culture, leisure and sport



“Croydon’s Black History Month is an important time in our calendar to learn from and herald those stories that still go untold. This year’s theme: Rid the Stigma: Representation, Identity and Diversity highlights how much further we have to go to ensure that all our communities can see themselves reflected in all aspects of the world around us – all year round. Congratulations to all those involved, including the Croydon BME Forum, in curating another varied and fascinating programme.”

Councillor Hamida Ali, cabinet member for Safer Croydon and communities

Andrew Brown, Croydon BME Forum, Chief Executive said; “Each member of the BME community has a rich and vibrant story to tell. Black History Month is an opportune time to share these stories and in doing so we enrich the entire Croydon community and help to rid the stigma. Croydon BME Forum are as always happy to lead on this year’s activities and look forward to seeing everyone come together to celebrate BHM 2019.”

2019-10-02T18:00:44+01:00 October 2nd, 2019|Recent news|