Children share their views to get better support growing up

Children and young people in Croydon are being asked to share information about their lives and their views on how their emotional, physical and mental health and wellbeing can be better supported.

Croydon Council’s first health and wellbeing survey for school-aged children since the pandemic will obtain their views on topics such as mental health, diet, exercise, sleep, relationships, and their general wellbeing.

The council will use the survey results to inform plans for children and young people’s services. Schools and education settings can use the results to update their policies and safeguarding guidance.

The survey is for school-aged children in year groups four, six, eight, 10 and 12, who will complete it anonymously at their schools with the help and support of teachers. Schools and education settings have been sent their unique link to access the survey and share it with their pupils. The survey closes on 31 January.

Children and young people not in school or home-schooled children are also being encouraged to complete the survey, and there is a version of the survey available for children with special education needs. More information is on the council website for anyone who would like their child or children to take part in the survey.

Jason Perry

“This is a unique opportunity for children and young people to share their views with us and help to shape the services that they receive in Croydon. Hearing from them directly will help the council, schools and other education partners understand their views and ideas about how we can best support them to stay safe and well and to reach their full potential.”

Jason Perry, Executive Mayor of Croydon

Caroline Barriball, Co-Headteacher at St Peter’s Primary School, said: “We welcome the opportunity to take part in this survey from Croydon Council. It will provide us with detailed and much needed information to make sure that we are responding in the best way to support our children’s health and wellbeing while they are at school and out in the community. The voice of the child is central to everything we do. We will encourage our students to take part in this survey and share their views on these important issues.”

2023-01-09T16:36:56+00:00 January 9th, 2023|Recent news|