Croydon marks VJ Day 75th anniversary

The Mayor of Croydon will lead the borough’s commemoration this weekend of the end of the Second World War in Asia.

On 15 August 1945 the Japanese surrendered to Allied forces after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, bringing an end to fighting around the world that had already ceased in Europe with VE Day on 8 May.

To mark 75 years since VJ Day, at dusk this evening (Friday) The Mayor of Croydon, Councillor Maddie Henson, will begin the commemorations when she and Councillor Toni Letts, the borough’s Military Champion, will lead a short ceremony at the cenotaph in Katharine Street to remember war veterans and all those who lost their lives in almost six years of conflict.

On Saturday, the Mayor will deliver a video message to the people of Croydon via social media, before taking part in a virtual visit to the Museum of Croydon. This has expanded its VE Day online events to include three additional Home Front Project films – on evacuation, Digging for Victory and the Blitz – as well as the account of VJ Day from the official history of the Second World War and a commemoration of the 1940 bombing of Croydon Airport.

Councillor Maddie Henson, the Mayor of Croydon, said: “VJ Day marked the worldwide end of the worst war in living memory, and it is important for us all to remember those who fought and died in the conflict as well as to learn from its terrible lessons. With that in mind, I urge Croydon residents to join me and people across the country taking part in a two-minute silence at 11am on Saturday.”

To find out more on VJ Day and how you can mark the 75th anniversary, visit the national website with resources, case studies and more.

2020-08-14T16:52:29+01:00 August 14th, 2020|Recent news|