A new walking and cycling initiative is set to make Crystal Palace streets safer quieter and healthier.

The healthy streets scheme will replace the previous Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) and addresses concerns raised by residents and businesses who were consulted by the council at the end of last year.

Instead of planters now removed from the five roads – Auckland Road, Sylvan Hill, Stambourne Way, Fox Hill, and Lancaster Road – there will be camera-enforced closures giving better access to emergency vehicles and local residents.

Access to the Auckland surgery will also be improved by moving the current bus gate location, and there will be two extra disabled parking bays.

Exempt motorists include registered car clubs, taxis, emergency vehicles, local teachers, and carers who will be able to drive through the partial closures, as well as residents within the LTN boundary.

Recommendations for the healthy street scheme were discussed at the Traffic Management Advisory Committee meeting Monday 15 February. This decision is now subject to further discussions with neighbouring boroughs to make sure it is suitable for residents of both boroughs.

Streets will remain open in all directions until an agreement has been reached. In this time, air quality and traffic monitoring are expected to take place.

The scheme will be implemented under a temporary ‘experimental’ traffic order and a report will come back to the committee after 12 months. During that time there would be an opportunity for local residents to provide their feedback via a survey available for anyone interested.

Traffic studies will take place before the scheme goes in, and while it is running through the experimental period. At the same time, air quality monitoring will be done to continually measure pollution levels.

“This is a balanced approach that allows us to reach our goal of encouraging more walking and cycling, making streets safer and reducing the number of unnecessary car journeys in this neighbourhood. At the same time we are improving access for more local residents, emergency vehicles, and those making essential car trips.

“I look forward to working with Bromley to develop our plans further, and collaborate on our shared goal of safer, healthier streets for all members of our community.”

Councillor Muhammad Ali, cabinet member for sustainable Croydon

Other Streetspace schemes in the borough will continue to be open for comments on our online survey map, and are expected to open for consultation this year.

Funding will come from Transport for London and the Department for Transport, as has been the case with all previous Streetspace schemes in Croydon.