Residents, businesses and partners are invited to join a webinar and hear more about the council’s budget proposals for next year.
Executive Mayor Jason Perry and cabinet member for finance, Councillor Jason Cummings will be joined by the council’s section 151 officer Jane West at the online meeting, which will be held 6.30pm-7.30pm on 11 December. The link to join the meeting will be available on the council’s news site,, from 6pm on Monday 11 December.
Mayor Perry and Councillor Cummings will give an overview of the council’s financial situation and introduce the proposals for next year, before responding to questions from the public.
Questions can be submitted in advance to – attendees will also have an opportunity to ask questions during the webinar via the chat.
The webinar is part of the council’s engagement on its budget proposals, where people are invited to feedback on the council’s plans. A survey is open at until 19 December, with everyone encouraged to give their views.
“Croydon’s financial situation has been well-documented. The council continues to face unprecedented challenges due to the impact of historic financial mismanagement, and the £1.6bn debt the organisation carries.
“When I was elected, I promised residents I would make fixing the finances my number one priority, and do everything within my power to get our council back on track for the people of Croydon. We have to do this, to be able to offer them the good services and value for money they deserve, now and in the future.
“This means there are limited choices when it comes to the budget, because we have to make savings, and we have to invest in making our council better.
“But it is important to me to listen to local residents and to hear their feedback on our proposals. Please join us for our webinar – I look forward to seeing you next week.”
Jason Perry, Executive Mayor of Croydon