Young people who want to raise their voice and have a say in Croydon’s future can now apply to be the borough’s next Young Mayor.

Working with their deputy to champion young people, Croydon’s next Young Mayor will ensure the borough’s youngest voices are heard and help to shape their communities.

Home to more young people than any other borough in the capital, the Young Mayor will represent more than 93,000 young people from Croydon.

The formal elections for the new Young Mayor will take place in summer at schools across Croydon, as well as at community polling stations.

Any young person who lives in Croydon and is aged between 12 and 17 inclusive on 31 August 2020, can apply to be a candidate and nominations are open until Sunday 26 April. Details of the full application process are available online. Email or contact the team on Twitter or Instagram for more information.

There will be four information events for prospective candidates, their parents and teachers. There will be two drop in sessions, one at Legacy Youth Zone on Saturday 8 February from 1.30pm to 6pm and one at Fairfield Halls on Saturday 15 February from 11am to 3pm. Two other information events will be held at Bernard Weatherill House on Wednesday 22 January and Wednesday 29 January, both from 6pm to 8pm.

If you are unable to attend on these dates you can still apply to be a candidate, just contact the youth services team via the Young Mayor email address above for more information.

Once nominated, candidates will have the chance to campaign for support from young people aged between 11 and 18 who live, work or study in the borough.

Croydon’s first Young Mayor, William Awomoyi, and his deputy, Shea Williams, used their mayoralty to launch a fund to help other young people achieve their ambitions. They also organised a jobs fair and represented Croydon at community meetings and the UK Youth Parliament’s Annual Conference; as well as attending the Houses of Parliament and meeting community leaders including Croydon’s Mayor and the borough’s police commander.

“We’re looking for passionate young people who can inspire their peers.

“Croydon’s Young Mayor will keep young people at the heart of the borough’s decision making, giving a voice to young residents and making sure their priorities are heard loud and clear across the borough.”

Councillor Alisa Flemming, cabinet member for children, young people and learning