New unique plans to support good growth in each of Croydon’s 16 neighbourhood areas have been approved by the council’s cabinet.
‘Place plans’ will see Croydon’s communities take the lead in setting out the priorities for their neighbourhoods, supported by the council, to identify an action plan to drive growth in their local area.
The plans will complement Croydon’s Local Plan, which is currently being reviewed. After being approved at the meeting on Monday 16 December, the place plan approach will ensure the priorities identified by existing communities are taken into account as decisions on new homes, infrastructure and community facilities are made and developed.
The plans will take a variety of formats, for one neighbourhood it could be as simple as an action plan of priority projects, discussions and events the community has recognised as being important, while for others it could be a more comprehensive document addressing a number of priorities and drawing in support from local partners and stakeholders.
“Croydon’s growth brings fantastic opportunities for all of our communities.
“Each place is unique – they have their own character and they have their own needs. This approach to give each place a tailored plan, shaped by and led by those who live and work within them, will ensure our communities have a say in the future of their area.”
Councillor Paul Scott, cabinet lead for planning and regeneration