Croydon’s Local Plan which outlines how the borough will evolve sustainably over the next 20 years, was formally adopted at last night’s full council meeting.

The Croydon Local Plan 2018 sets out the exciting vision for Croydon’s growth and development up to 2036, and brings together the Strategic Policies with the Detailed Policies and Proposals.

The document, which earlier this year was declared sound for adoption by an independent planning inspector appointed by the Secretary of State, details how the council will ensure Croydon continues to be an attractive and thriving place for residents, the business community and those visiting.

Crucially the implementation of the plan will see the provision of 32,890 much-needed new homes, with a minimum requirement of 30 percent of new homes on larger sites to be affordable.

The revival of Croydon’s district centres, protection of the borough’s valued green spaces, heritage and cultural assets and the policies that will guide future development in the borough are also detailed in the plan.

It also sets out the sites earmarked for redevelopment to facilitate the delivery of new jobs, schools, healthcare, leisure and other facilities needed across the borough; and explains how infrastructure, such as transport hubs will be improved for local communities.

Councillor Alison Butler, deputy leader and cabinet member for homes, regeneration and planning

“It is fantastic the Croydon Local Plan has been formally adopted. The plan is the most important planning policy document for the borough and details both our ambitions and the strategy needed to meet the needs of our residents and continue the borough’s growth.

“The council has worked closely with partners and interested parties to develop the policies within the plan and has also drawn on the public responses given as part of the consultation period. This plan really is excellent news for Croydon, it keeps the planning of the borough in Croydon’s hands and will ensure Croydon has a sustainable future that benefits all.”