Community spirit was much in evidence when more than 50 residents got into their work clothes and knuckled down to some serious clean-up tasks in a blighted corner of their neighbourhood.

Fed up with the fact that a patch of open land had become overgrown and a magnet for all manner of waste and rubbish, the Friends of Love Lane Green organised a community clean-up on Saturday (28).

The aim of the day was to clear a section of private land bordering a public footpath. Fly-tips, litter and brambles had accumulated, and helping the local volunteers were local councillors, Clean and Green street champions, neighbourhood safety officers and the council’s waste contractor, Veolia.

Over the course of several hours’ hard graft, the group filled a cage lorry with landfill waste, and a dustcart with brambles and green waste. In addition, more than 15 plastic sacks were filled with discarded glass, plastic and cans, all bound for the recyclers.

The work was carried out under the banner of the council’s Don’t Mess with Croydon – Take Pride campaign, which has seen 268 residents sign up as street champions.

Councillor Stuart Collins, deputy leader – Clean Green Croydon

“There was a fantastic sense of community spirit, helped by the local scout group allowing their hut to be used to provide refreshments for all those great volunteers.

“I understand that Emma Hope-Fitch, who coordinated the whole day, is already planning future events, and there were plenty of residents who were taking part offering to get involved in anything that’s organised.

“It’s days like this that show the strength of Croydon’s communities and their desire to see the areas in which live treated with respect. In Love Lane, neighbours, some of whom, I’m sure, didn’t previously know each other, pulled together to clear a horribly misused public space and help enhance their local area. Full marks to them.”