A report passed through Cabinet yesterday, 22 February, approved the spending of capital monies, raised through business rates and not for other services, to enhance and renew elements of the town centre.

One such project is the council-led re-establishment of the Minster as the historic centre of Croydon through the redesign of the surrounding public realm and parks.

The Minster, in the heart of Croydon’s Old Town, has association with the Archbishop of Canterbury over nine centuries and is of historical importance as Croydon’s place of origin.

While the Minster is one of the borough’s few Grade I listed buildings, residents agree that the Minster Green and St John’s Memorial Gardens are underused and need vast improvements. The Minster Green Public Realm project, which has involved local residents will create a space for people to enjoy and addresses environmental, safety and antisocial behaviour issues.

Designed in consultation with the Diocese and local community, it includes relocation of parking, removal of the pedestrian subway, a new play area offering green open space, feature lighting to enhance the medieval building and revived landscaped areas and historic gravestone features.

The council’s £7.5m initiative is one of a number of public realm projects included in the £12.2m Growth Zone budget for 2023/24.

The Growth Zone supports the Mayor’s priorities for the regeneration and renewal of the town centre and borough and is backed by partners, the Greater London Authority (GLA) and Transport for London (TfL).

Other Growth Zone projects given the green light for 2023/24 include transport and parking – such as continuing pedestrian improvements and segregated cycle tracks – Wellesley Road Crossing, Town Centre Vision planning and funding to support Croydon Museum and town centre activities during the London Borough of Culture.

Jason Perry

“The Minster Green Public Realm project will create a safe, inviting and inclusive setting for our community that reflects the rich, historical significance of Croydon Minster.

“It’s vital that we accelerate the recovery and renewal of Croydon town centre. The continued work of these Growth Zone projects will aid this recovery, with the support of our partners.”

Jason Perry, Executive Mayor of Croydon

The Growth Zone was developed in collaboration with the GLA and TfL to secure central government funding through business rate retention for a designated area within central Croydon. It was launched in April 2018 and will run for 16 years from that date.