Residents, businesses and partners still have time to give their views on Croydon Council’s budget proposals for 2023/24 before the online survey closes on Sunday.

The council is asking local people to feedback on its proposals for next year, which include proposed action to help fix its serious financial challenges and make sure the council is sustainable in future.

Croydon’s financial situation and its planned approach to tackling its challenges are set out in the medium term financial strategy, which was considered by cabinet on 30 November.

Executive Mayor Perry gave the go-ahead to launch a budget engagement on 1 December, to invite residents, businesses and partners to give their views on the plans.

The short survey is available here until midnight on 8 January. Residents who are not online or would like help filling the survey in, can call the council’s contact centre to give their views over the phone. Call 020 8726 6000, 10am-4pm, Monday – Friday. Anyone who would like a printed copy should speak to staff in Croydon libraries who can help.

Jason Perry

“Thank you to everyone who has already taken part in the survey. My cabinet and I are determined to tackle Croydon’s financial challenges so that we can move forward, rebuild our council and restore pride in our borough. We will not shy away from the decisions that must be taken to get Croydon back on track, but I want to listen to and involve local people as much as possible. If you haven’t already, please take part in the survey before it closes on Sunday.”

Jason Perry, Executive Mayor of Croydon