Six fly-tippers have been ordered to pay a total of over £2,150 after being prosecuted under Croydon Council’s ongoing campaign to clean up the borough.

On Tuesday (10 March) Croydon Council prosecutors asked magistrates to impose fines and costs against the offenders for dumping waste.

The crackdown on fly-tipping is part of the council’s Don’t Mess With Croydon – Take Pride campaign, which is aimed at combining the help of volunteers with council action to encourage recycling and lead enforcement against the worst offences.

The prosecutions were as follows:

Name£D.O.B.AddressOffence location & date
Ms Ermalee Solomon£100 fine10/02/1978Bygrove, New AddingtonBygrove, New Addington (09/09/2014)
£150 costs
£20 surcharge
Mr Derek Melbourne£35 fine01/07/1963Elmside, New AddingtonElmside, New Addington (08/10/2014)
£50 costs
£20 surcharge
Mr Garry McMullen£200 fine13/05/1951Portland Road, South NorwoodPortland Road (14/09/2014)
£150 costs
£20 surcharge
Mr Roshan Jeewon£200 fine05/01/1992Woodside Green, South NorwoodWoodside Green (01/09/2014)
£150 costs
£20 surcharge
Ms Jacqueline Roberts£100 fine23/04/1961Dunley Drive, New AddingtonFrimley Close, New Addington (24/10/2014)
£150 costs
£20 surcharge

Mr Radek Demeter 1
£200 fine04/01/1978Elmside, New Addington Central Parade, New Addington on two separate occasions (14/10/2014 & 14/12/2014)
£30 surchargeCentral Parade, New Addington
Mr Radek Demeter 2£300 fine
£150 cost

Mr Radek Demeter (offence 2)£200 fine04/01/1978Central Parade, New AddingtonCentral Parade, New Addington on two separate occasions (14/10/2014 & 14/12/2014)£30 surcharge£300 fine£150 costs Mr Roshan Jeewon£200 fine05/01/1992Woodside Green, South NorwoodWoodside Green (01/09/2014)£150 costs£20 surcharge Mr Garry McMullen£200 fine13/05/1951Portland Road, South NorwoodPortland Road (14/09/2014)£150 costs£20 surcharge Ms Jacqueline Roberts£200 Fine23/04/1961Dunley Drive, New AddingtonFrimley Close, New Addington (24/10/2014)

The campaign’s most recent previous court case in February also ended in a successful council prosecution against a man who fly-tipped in Broad Green.

Since launching the initiative last June, the council has:

  • cleared 88% of reported fly-tipped waste within 48 hours:
  • signed almost 200 volunteer community champions who lead litter picks;
  • issued almost 500 fixed penalty notices of up to £80;
  • carried out more than 570 business licence inspections;
  • seen more than 4,000 people report fly-tipping issues


“This council is tackling environmental crime head-on, from spitting in the street to people dumping tonnes of waste.

“Part of our campaign is about making fly-tippers think twice about blighting Croydon’s streets – and if they didn’t before, they should now.

“These fly-tippers aren’t the first we’ve prosecuted in this campaign, and they won’t be the last; we have dozens more cases awaiting court dates.”

Councillor Stuart Collins, deputy leader – Clean Green Croydon


The council will continue to name and shame people prosecuted for fly-tipping.

For more information on how to get involved in the Don’t Mess With Croydon – Take Pride campaign, visit:

You can also report dumped waste via the council’s dedicated fly-tipping hotline on 020 8604 7000, the council’s My Croydon smartphone app or by emailing

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