Council launches Public Spaces Protection Order to tackle antisocial behaviour in Thornton Heath

Thornton Heath and its surrounding area will be the second place in Croydon to get a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to help tackle antisocial behaviour and restore pride in the area.

A public consultation held earlier this year received overwhelming support for the introduction of the PSPO, with 78% of respondents in favour. Many responses encouraged the council to increase the boundary to include Thornton Heath Pond and all of Grangewood Park.

Following this feedback, the council consulted with statutory partners including the police and landowners within the area, who were all in support of the extension.

The introduction of a PSPO in Thornton Heath is in response to residents’ and businesses’ concerns about ongoing antisocial behaviour, such as street drinking in the district centre and surrounding areas.

Feedback from the consultation has provided the council with more data and evidence about people’s experiences of antisocial behaviour in the area, helping to ensure the right boundary was selected for the order.

The PSPO will give the police additional powers to issue on-the-spot fines to anyone caught engaging in antisocial behaviours in the defined area. Enforcement could also include prosecution in the Magistrates’ Court which could result in a criminal conviction and a fine.

The Safer Croydon Partnership, which is made up of council, police, fire, probation and health agencies, will be monitoring the order which is set to run for the next three years, and will be reviewing it regularly to ensure that it remains effective in addressing the targeted behaviours. The council will also be reviewing the order to ensure that there are no adverse effects on the borough’s most vulnerable residents and emergence of hotspot areas.

Jason Perry

“This is a good thing for the Thornton Heath community.

The PSPO will help us and the police to address various issues that have affected how people feel in the area and help make Thornton Heath a safer and more inviting place for everyone.”

Jason Perry, Executive Mayor of Croydon

2023-09-29T15:46:31+01:00 September 29th, 2023|Recent news|