Keep Croydon Safe

As the weather turns warmer, many people will be considering August holidays that seemed a world away during lockdown.

It can be easy for the sunshine to convince us that things are back to normal. But coronavirus has not gone away – as we have seen in the north of England this week. Nor has the need for everyone to play their part in continuing to limit the infection risk and protect themselves and their loved ones. That’s why I’m proud to have launched an important campaign in the borough called Keep Croydon Safe. This is about informing everyone how to get tested for Covid-19 through the NHS Test and Trace service.

Launched to support a London-wide push including every council in the capital, the NHS and the Mayor of London, Croydon’s campaign also underlines what everyone needs to already be doing – wearing a face covering in public enclosed spaces, keeping your distance and following hygiene guidance.

If you or anyone you know is showing Covid-19 symptoms, call 119 or visit to get tested. Please spread the word so everyone helps Keep Croydon Safe – follow our campaign on social media using the hashtag #KeepCroydonSafe and more information on the launch can be found here.

Love Croydon, Shop Local

It has been a tough time for local businesses since March, and the council continues to do all it can through giving grants to companies affected by the economic impact of Covid-19. This week we made available another £1.9m so even more businesses can apply for up to £10,000 each. To apply before the 28 August deadline, visit the council website.

Our resilient and adaptable local businesses were a lifeline to us all during lockdown, and now more than ever it is important that people support them in return.

Because of this, the council has launched Love Croydon, Shop Local, which encourages everyone in the borough to support and celebrate Croydon’s community businesses and high streets as much as possible while following their social distancing and hygiene measures.

To start things off, we have started publishing on social media some superb examples of Croydon businesses that have supported their community during lockdown and are now welcoming staff and customers back safely. If you know a local shop that deserves public recognition, why not use the #LoveCroydonShopLocal hashtag on social media and let us know? I look forward to seeing more examples of borough businesses and their customers keeping it local.

Respect Your Park

Croydon’s fantastic 127 parks and open spaces were cherished by so many before Covid-19, but through lockdown many more people visited them to exercise, get fresh air and maintain their mental wellbeing.

It also meant a rise in a sizeable minority of people thinking it is acceptable to drop litter – despite the new, larger caged bins we provided in lockdown.

Since the launch of our Don’t Mess With Croydon – Take Pride campaign we have taken enforcement action against litterers and fly-tippers, including 200 successful prosecutions and crushing vehicles used by fly-tippers.

This work is getting national recognition – litter pressure group Clean Up Britain this week highlighted Croydon as a proactive council when launching a national campaign calling on government to introduce £1,000 fines. Our cabinet member for clean and green Croydon, Councillor Stuart Collins, was invited to help kick-start the launch at South Norwood Lakes.

But none of this would be necessary if everyone respected their environment in the first place. So now we’re asking everyone in Croydon to get involved in a new push called Respect Your Park that uses social media and videos to call for more people to use the bins provided or, if they’re full, take litter home. We have picturesque and welcoming green open spaces in Croydon – let’s all work together to keep them that way.

Eid Al-Adha

Finally, to our many Muslim residents across the borough, I want to wish you all Eid Mubarak. Please remember to follow hygiene and social distancing measures to help you and your loved ones stay safe during the festivities.

Take care everyone and enjoy your weekends,
