Vote in Croydon’s referendum tomorrow

Voters in Croydon are preparing to head to the polls to vote on whether the borough should maintain the current system of leader and cabinet or have a directly elected mayor.

The council’s governance referendum takes place tomorrow, Thursday 7 October, with polling stations open from 7am -10pm. Everyone on the electoral register is encouraged to take part – find your local polling station here.

Voters will be asked:

 How would you like the London Borough of Croydon to be run?

  • By a leader who is an elected councillor chosen by a vote of the other elected councillors. This is how the council is run now.
  • By a mayor who is elected by voters. This would be a change from how the council is run now.

Everyone who is eligible to vote should have received a poll card in the post. Residents who believe they are on the electoral register but have not received a polling card should contact or call our dedicated line 020 8604 7205.

Poll cards are for information only – you do not need to take your poll card or any ID to the polling station. On arrival, you will be asked to confirm your name and address and provided you are on the electoral register, you will be able to vote.

To help everyone stay safe during Covid-19, people will be encouraged to wear face coverings inside polling stations, to maintain social distancing and if possible, to bring their own pen or pencil.

After polling stations close at 10pm, votes will be counted and results posted on the council’s webpage,, and social media channels as soon as they are available.

“A tremendous amount of planning and preparation goes into every polling day, and we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the polling stations tomorrow. I want to encourage all of our residents to come out and cast their vote – this is a really important opportunity to exercise your democratic right and have your say on how your council is run. You can find all the information you need about the referendum and polling day on our council website at

Katherine Kerswell, counting officer, Croydon Council

2021-12-31T13:19:08+00:00 October 6th, 2021|Recent news|