Council set to consult on changes to Council Tax Support Scheme

The council is set to consult on its Council Tax Support Scheme ahead of the 2023/24 financial year, seeking the views of residents on a small number of proposed changes.

Croydon’s support scheme was reviewed in the last financial year, moving to an ‘income band’ system making it fairer and easier to administer, while continuing to shield those in most need.

Since the new scheme has been in place, the council has listened to residents’ feedback and is now looking to make some further changes to the scheme.

The changes proposed include removing the self-employed minimum income requirements currently applied to households where the claimant or partner is disabled. This means more disabled households across Croydon will potentially become eligible for vital support with their council tax bills.

Other changes include reviewing the amount of council tax support provided to households of disabled residents where there are other adults in the house. This change comes in line with the key underlying principle of the scheme that everyone in a household should contribute to the cost of council tax.

The council is also proposing to adjust its existing income bands, to match any increase in council tax.

Discretionary hardship funding remains available for households struggling to pay their council tax, with support allocated on a case-by-case basis.

A six-week public consultation on the proposed changes is expected to be approved at Cabinet next week. Following a full consultation process this autumn, any potential changes would become effective in the new financial year from April 2023 onwards.

Jason Perry

“Following recent changes to our Council Tax Support Scheme, it is important we are reviewing these to make sure any new measures are fair and consistent. We are proposing a small number of further changes to the scheme, making sure those who need assistance receive it and continuing to target support towards our most vulnerable residents. I would encourage all residents in receipt of council tax support, or who think they may be eligible for help, to get involved in the consultation when it launches. More information on how the council can help residents through current financial pressures is also available on our website.”

Jason Perry, Executive Mayor of Croydon

2022-10-05T11:02:06+01:00 October 5th, 2022|Recent news|