Planning for our future

Local residents have been having their say to help shape Croydon’s Local Plan – the council’s vision for the future of the borough over the next 20 years

The Local Plan is the blueprint for how Croydon can thrive and grow sustainably in the years ahead. It sets out how many houses we need, the infrastructure such as roads, schools and medical facilities needed to support local communities, and the jobs and employment opportunities that come with them.

Following a major public consultation exercise, council planners have been working through more than 8,000 responses to help them update the emerging plan.

Setting out the pattern of development across the borough up to 2036, its main purpose is to make sure Croydon’s growth needs are met in a sustainable way that sees neighbourhoods flourish and supports local communities.

It will help ensure that much-needed residential development happens in the right places and goes hand-in-hand with school, employment and transport infrastructure.

It also protects the borough’s heritage and valuable green spaces, Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land.

Councillor Alison Butler, deputy leader and cabinet member for homes, regeneration and planning

“We are developing an exciting plan for the people of Croydon that will see the borough thrive and grow. I’m pleased that residents have expressed such an interest as everyone has a part to play in helping us shape a bright and prosperous future for our borough.

“Crucially, the plan will make sure that development and growth is sustainable and that the unique character of our borough is protected. Whether its homes for residents, schools for our children, a strong local economy and job opportunities, we need to make sure we have the right development coming forward in the right places and that our communities and neighbourhoods flourish.”

The second draft of the local plan is set to go to Cabinet in July and will undergo further consultation in September for six weeks prior to it being submitted to the Secretary of State for independent review in spring 2017.

Further information can be found at

2016-07-01T14:30:48+01:00 July 1st, 2016|Recent news|