Our residents and businesses want to see Croydon town centre return to being a thriving retail and business district that we can all be proud of – that’s why the regeneration of the town centre remains a top priority for me. Getting the views of everyone who lives, works, studies and visits the town centre is so important for the council and its partners, which is why I’m delighted we are launching a new Urban Room. This will be a digital space and a physical place in Croydon to host conversations, exhibitions and events where you can give your views and help shape a plan for the town centre’s recovery. Visit the Urban Room online to find out how to get involved.
I want to make sure our residents are supported to lead healthier and independent lives for longer. Our new Dementia Strategic Plan, developed in partnership with Croydon’s Dementia Action Alliance, will help to achieve this by providing better care and support to people living with dementia, and their carers. I really enjoyed visiting Age UK Croydon’s Memory Tree Café to see the range of activities being offered – just one of the great initiatives that will help deliver our commitment to being a Dementia Friendly borough.
Our libraries and archives service have been successful in securing £249,000 in funding from The National Lottery Heritage Fund to create digital archives of Croydon’s year as London Borough of Culture. Our year of culture has showcased the best of our diverse, creative and vibrant borough and this project will help to preserve the projects and events for future Croydon generations. It will also provide opportunities for young people to be trained in archiving, digital research and project management skills. Find out more.
London Borough of Culture events continue, so do visit our This is Croydon website for the latest. The Croydonites Festival has also opened – a showcase of theatre and performers from Croydon and around the country. The events run until 18 November and more information is available on their website.
Jason Perry
Executive Mayor of Croydon